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The embed option is done through two options. Embed and HTML. Embed is a quick way to embed a video with a URL from YouTube or Vimeo. Just copy the link to the page for the video you want to use.

HTML allows you to paste the HTML output from a webpage, such as an embed, or custom HTML code.


To embed:

Step 1: Log In

Step 2: Navigate to the Page You Want to Edit

Step 3: Click Edit in the blue toolbar

  1. In the page editor, you will see various sections and elements that make up your page.
  2. Locate the section where you want to add the embed. This could be a text block, HTML block, or a specific widget area.

Step 4: Add an Embed Block

  1. Add a new embed block using the + to the left of the edit area.
  2. Choose an "Embed" option.


Step 5: Insert the Embed Code

  1. Navigate to the video you want to share. Copy the link to the page.
  2. Paste the url into the embed field.

Step 6: Save Your Changes

  1. After pasting the embed code, click "Publish" to save your changes.
  2. Preview the page to ensure the embed is displaying correctly.

Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Preview Your Changes: Always preview your changes before publishing to ensure the embed looks and functions correctly.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your embeds are responsive by checking how they appear on different devices.
  • Permissions: Make sure you have permission to embed content from third-party sites.
  • Customizing Embed Code: Some embed codes allow customization (e.g., width, height). Adjust these parameters as needed to fit your page design.

By following these steps, you can easily embed various types of content into your web pages.